Blog. Excellent experience management is based on great communication with people.

Workplace communication: how to talk to employees and why it matters?

Workplace communication: how to talk to employees and why it matters?

Good communication in the workplace plays a key role in every aspect of your duties. Whether you’re building relationships, managing conflict, or explaining clear goals: you set the tone when it comes to learning why good communication skills are important. Adding to this remote work, effective ways of communication become the basis of a positive […]

Karolina Konopka

Customer support manager

Karolina Konopka
How to measure and improve employee satisfaction

How to measure and improve employee satisfaction

In the realm of building a successful company, one key factor stands out above the rest: employee satisfaction. When you improve employee satisfaction, your employees feel valued, engaged, and content and not only perform better but also contribute to a positive work culture and overall success. In this blog post, we’ll delve into what employee […]

Karolina Konopka

Customer support manager

Karolina Konopka
5 Best free online quiz makers
Opinions & Expertise

5 Best free online quiz makers

Are you looking to create interactive content that captivates your audience? Online quiz makers are an excellent way to engage your readers, whether you’re a teacher, marketer, or content creator. In this post, we’ll explore five of the best free online quiz makers available today, each offering unique features to suit your needs. Free online […]

Karolina Konopka

Customer support manager

Karolina Konopka
How to create an employee engagement survey

How to create an employee engagement survey

Regarding employee engagement, it’s safe to say that the most engaged employees are the happiest and most productive. That’s why it’s so important for managers and leaders to be aware of how their teams are performing to ensure a positive employee experience. While we encourage the simultaneous use of other methods and tools, employee engagement […]

Karolina Konopka

Customer support manager

Karolina Konopka
Top 5 Customer Loyalty Software to boost your business

Top 5 Customer Loyalty Software to boost your business

In today’s competitive business landscape, customer loyalty is the holy grail for sustained success. But what exactly is customer loyalty, and how can businesses cultivate it effectively? Enter customer loyalty software – a powerful tool designed to streamline and enhance your efforts in building lasting relationships with your customers. In this blog post, we’ll delve […]

Karolina Konopka

Customer support manager

Karolina Konopka
Employee onboarding: the complete guide

Employee onboarding: the complete guide

The employee onboarding process is a key element in building an effective and harmonious team. A new employee’s first impression about the company can significantly influence their engagement and long-term productivity. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the key aspects of onboarding to ensure a smooth start for the new team member. What is […]

Karolina Konopka

Customer support manager

Karolina Konopka
Responsly Employee Experience platform helps us to manage employee satisfaction and communication within our organization.

Alicja Zborowska, Administration Specialist

Red bull

We automated the product experience managment process.


Managing customer experience is made easy with Responsly.


Our suppliers are surveyed quickly and efficiently.

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