Email Surveys

Collect feedback with beautiful email surveys

— Send beautiful emails right to the people 📮 inboxes and collect valuable data.
Email Surveys
  1. Red bull
  2. Schindler
  3. Bayer
  4. Booksy
  5. KraftHeinz
  6. Danone

Collect feedback in the easiest way

Have your audience open a survey with one click. The appearance of the message is adapted to the appearance of the survey, and additional options will allow you, for example, to personalize the content of the email message and the survey itself. Additionally, use the possibility of:

  • user identification
  • tracking opening date and time
  • personalization of the content of the message and the survey

Email Surveys are defined as one of the most efficient data collection methods used to collect quantitative data via email. Email surveys are based on a simple concept: you can embed hyperlinks in an email’s HTML code. This way you can send a survey in an email, and the hyperlinks are responses.

Employee Experience example

Email Surveys FAQ

What are Email surveys?

Email surveys are an effective method for collecting data by leveraging email communication to gather valuable insights from users, leads, and customers. This online survey method allows organizations to quickly reach a large audience using their existing database and streamline the feedback collection process.

The advantages of email surveys include flexibility in user experience and timing, enabling participants to complete the survey at their convenience. They are particularly useful for market research, providing insights into customer preferences, opinions, and behavior, which can inform business decisions and identify areas for improvement.

Start with Responsly email surveys for free to increase your response rate and simplify data collection. Embed the first question in a newsletter, onboarding email, or post-purchase notification to capture fresh insights. Utilize integrations to update contact profiles with new insights and segment your customers. Acting on feedback helps close the feedback loop and continuously improve your processes.

Can I send Email surveys directly from the platform?

Yes, you can use our mailbox, configure your own SMTP server, or use our integrations with popular email marketing platforms to send email surveys directly from the platform. This way, you can reach your audience where they are most likely to engage with your survey, increasing response rates and data quality.

By sending email surveys directly from the platform, you can streamline the survey distribution process, track responses in real-time, and analyze results more efficiently. This approach also allows you to personalize survey invitations, follow-up reminders, and thank-you messages to enhance the user experience and encourage participation.

Integrate email surveys with your existing workflows and tools to automate survey distribution, collect feedback at scale, and drive actionable insights. Use email surveys to gather feedback on products, services, customer experiences, and more to inform strategic decisions and improve business outcomes.

Can I integrate Email surveys with other apps?

Yes, you can easily integrate email surveys with other apps and platforms to streamline your data collection process, enhance user experience, and drive actionable insights. By leveraging integrations, you can automate survey distribution, collect feedback at scale, and analyze results more efficiently.

Integrate email surveys with popular CRM, marketing automation, and customer feedback tools to update contact profiles, trigger follow-up actions, and segment your audience based on survey responses. This way, you can personalize survey invitations, reminders, and thank-you messages to enhance the user experience and drive engagement.

Use integrations to connect email surveys with your existing workflows and tools to automate data collection, analyze feedback in real-time, and drive strategic decisions based on actionable insights. Start with Responsly email surveys for free to increase your response rate and simplify data collection.

Enterprise grade security

  • GDPR compliant

    We're complaiant with General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that businesses in Europe must comply with when processing personal data.

  • CCPA compliant

    USA state of California intruduces California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) that defines how to handle users' personal data.

  • SSL & 2-Factor Authentication

    All connections are protected by TLS 1.2 and AES with a 256-bit key. Enable 2-Factor Authentication for even better security.

  • Permissions

    Set permissions for your team members to access only specific resources and specific data that you are collecting.

Responsly Employee Experience platform helps us to manage employee satisfaction and communication within our organization.

Alicja Zborowska, Administration Specialist

Red bull

We automated the product experience managment process.


Managing customer experience is made easy with Responsly.


Our suppliers are surveyed quickly and efficiently.

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