Connect Responsly to Zapier

With Zapier, you can easily integrate Responsly with over 3,000+ apps with no help from your IT department 🤓.

Responsly is used as a source (Zapier “trigger”) – this configuration allows you to send the collected responses to other apps, such as Google Sheets, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Salesforce, Trello, Asana, etc.
Process of integration is really simple:
  1. First you will need to generate API Key
  2. Activate your Zapier account with Responsly.

1. Generate API Key

or navigate manually:

  • Click My Account link in top navigation menu of Responsly app. Select Profile from dropdown.
  • On Profile page select API from left side menu

On API page:

  • Provide a name for key (ex. zapier) and click Create.
  • The generated API key should be copied to the clipboard.

Note: The API key is account specific and will be unique for each account

2. Activate Zapier integration

Just follow these steps:

1. From the Workspaces, choose a form you already created that’s ready for integration.

2. Go to the Connect tab, if you're not logged in to Zapier, click Login button (if you don't have an Zapier account you can create it from that place - it's free), when you log in successfully, you will see something like this below:

3. To create an integration with Zapier click Create zap:

4. You will be asked to authorise Zapier with API key from Responsly (pop-up window). This is the place where you need to paste API Key generated before.

If you don't see the pop-up window, you may need to allow pop-ups in your browser - please look for the settings in your browser URL bar, or use instructions for ChromeFirefoxOperaEdge, or Safari.

5. After you authorise Zapier, you can select form and send data to other apps like: Google Sheets, Slack, Microsoft Teams, Salesforce, Trello, Asana, etc.

Need help or have more questions?

Responsly Employee Experience platform helps us to manage employee satisfaction and communication within our organization.

Alicja Zborowska, Administration Specialist

Red bull

We automated the product experience managment process.


Managing customer experience is made easy with Responsly.


Our suppliers are surveyed quickly and efficiently.

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