Event Satisfaction Survey Template

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The importance of event satisfaction surveys

An Event Satisfaction Survey is critical for event organizers to understand how attendees feel about their experience. Gathering feedback helps identify areas for improvement and enhance the overall event experience. Additionally, by demonstrating that their opinions matter, organizers can build stronger relationships with attendees and encourage them to attend future events. The results from the survey can be used to make data-driven decisions and ensure that each event is a success. Overall, an Event Satisfaction Survey is an important tool for event organizers to gather valuable insights and continually improve their events.

What is an event satisfaction survey and why is it important?


An event satisfaction survey is a survey that is used to measure the level of satisfaction that attendees had with a particular event. It's important to conduct event satisfaction surveys because they provide valuable feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of an event, which can help event organizers improve the overall experience for attendees in future events. By understanding what attendees liked and disliked about the event, event organizers can make changes that will lead to increased attendance and better overall satisfaction.

What are some common questions to include in an event satisfaction survey?

  1. Overall, how satisfied were you with the event?
  2. How well did the event meet your expectations?
  3. How well was the event organized and run? 4, Was the location of the event convenient for you?
  4. How was the quality of the food and drinks provided at the event?
  5. Were the speakers/performers/entertainment at the event up to your standards?
  6. Was the event staff friendly and helpful?
  7. Would you attend a similar event in the future?

How can event organizers use the results of an event satisfaction survey?


Event organizers can use the results of an event satisfaction survey in several ways. For example:

They can use the feedback to identify areas of the event that need improvement, such as the quality of the food or the organization of the event. They can use the survey results to understand what attendees liked and disliked about the event, which can help them tailor future events to meet attendees' needs and expectations better. They can use the survey results to identify trends and patterns in attendee satisfaction, which can help them make informed decisions about future events. They can share the survey results with their team or stakeholders to demonstrate the event's success and gather support for future events.

Examples of undefined questions

Here are examples of questions most commonly used in Event Satisfaction Survey Template. When using our template, you can edit and adjust all the questions.

Overall, how satisfied were you with the event?

Not at all satisfied
Extremely satisfied

What did you think of the venue location?


How would you rate the event's accessibility and ease of getting there?


Were the event staff friendly and helpful?


How was the food and beverage quality at the event?


Was the event well-organized and ran smoothly?

Poorly organized
Extremely organized

Was the event's content/program relevant and interesting to you?

Not relevant
Extremely relevant

How would you rate the value for money spent on the event?

Poor value
Excellent value

Were the event facilities, such as restrooms and seating, sufficient and well-maintained?


Would you attend a similar event in the future?

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  • 62%

    62% of our surveys are opened on mobile devices. Responsly forms are well optimized for phones and tablets.

  • 2x

    Responsly get 2x more answers than other popular tools on the market.

  • 98%

    Responsly service get an average satisfaction score of 98%

Customer Experience example

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  • Modify or add questions

    You can modify every question, delete or add more; there are 24 types of questions with options to select.

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  1. Google Sheets
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  4. Mailchimp
  5. Google Analytics
  6. Salesforce
  7. Zapier
Responsly Employee Experience platform helps us to manage employee satisfaction and communication within our organization.

Alicja Zborowska, Administration Specialist

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