Vendor Satisfaction Survey Template

Discover what your vendors really think of your products and services.
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Why Vendor Satisfaction Survey is Important:

A vendor satisfaction survey helps businesses understand how well they are meeting the needs of their vendors. By gathering feedback on product quality, delivery time, customer support, and value for money, businesses can identify areas for improvement and make necessary changes to maintain positive relationships with their vendors. This not only benefits the vendors but also ensures customer satisfaction, as the quality of products and services depends heavily on the satisfaction of the vendors involved. By conducting regular vendor satisfaction surveys, businesses can proactively address issues and maintain strong, long-lasting relationships with their vendors.

What is the purpose of conducting a vendor satisfaction survey?


The main purpose of conducting a vendor satisfaction survey is to gather feedback from vendors on the business's performance in meeting their needs. This includes areas such as product quality, delivery times, customer support, and value for money. By gathering this information, businesses can identify areas for improvement and make changes to enhance their relationships with their vendors. A vendor satisfaction survey provides valuable insights into the vendor's perception of the business and its products and services, enabling businesses to proactively address any issues and maintain positive, long-lasting relationships with their vendors.

How can a vendor satisfaction survey improve a business's relationship with its vendors?


A vendor satisfaction survey can significantly improve a business's relationship with its vendors by providing a platform for open communication and feedback. By showing the vendor that their opinions matter and that the business is committed to improving its performance, the vendor is more likely to feel valued and respected. The survey results can also be used to implement changes that address any issues the vendor may have, further enhancing the relationship. Additionally, by conducting regular vendor satisfaction surveys, businesses can monitor their performance over time and ensure that their relationships with their vendors remain strong and positive.

What are some best practices for conducting a vendor satisfaction survey?


Some best practices for conducting a vendor satisfaction survey include:

  1. Tailoring the survey questions to the specific vendor and their needs
  2. Keeping the survey short and to the point to increase response rates
  3. Providing clear instructions for the vendor to complete the survey
  4. Offering multiple methods for the vendor to complete the survey, such as online, email, or in-person
  5. Anonymizing the survey results to encourage honest feedback
  6. Sharing the survey results with the vendor and discussing any issues that arise
  7. Implementing changes based on the survey results to improve the vendor's satisfaction and the overall relationship.

By following these best practices, businesses can conduct an effective vendor satisfaction survey that provides valuable insights into their relationships with their vendors and enables them to make improvements and strengthen their relationships over time.

Examples of Vendor Satisfaction Survey Template questions

Here are examples of questions most commonly used in Vendor Satisfaction Survey Template. When using our template, you can edit and adjust all the questions.

How is the vendor partnership working for you?

Not as well as I'd hoped
Great, we're satisfied

What are your goals for the vendor partnership?

How do you think we could help you achieve that?

Do you intend to renew your vendor status next year?

Are there any features you would like to see added to our services in the future?

Can we get your email address?

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  • 62%

    62% of our surveys are opened on mobile devices. Responsly forms are well optimized for phones and tablets.

  • 2x

    Responsly get 2x more answers than other popular tools on the market.

  • 98%

    Responsly service get an average satisfaction score of 98%

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Responsly Employee Experience platform helps us to manage employee satisfaction and communication within our organization.

Alicja Zborowska, Administration Specialist

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