Virtual Event Feedback Form Template

Gather crucial feedback to improve your virtual events using our easy-to-customize form template.
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Optimize Your Virtual Events with Targeted Feedback

Our Virtual Event Feedback Form allows you to collect detailed feedback from participants, helping you to refine and improve future virtual experiences, ensuring satisfaction and success.

What are the essential questions to include in a Virtual Event Feedback Form?


Essential questions for a Virtual Event Feedback Form should cover overall experience, content quality, technical performance, and networking opportunities. Ask attendees to rate their overall experience, which helps gauge satisfaction levels. Inquire about content relevance and presenter engagement to understand if the event met attendees' expectations. Finally, include questions about the technical aspects (e.g., platform usability) and opportunities for interaction to identify areas for improvement. These insights help refine future virtual events and enhance participant satisfaction.

How can the feedback collected from a Virtual Event Feedback Form improve future events?


Feedback from a Virtual Event Feedback Form is invaluable for enhancing future events. By analyzing attendee responses, you can identify what worked well and what didn't. For instance, if content relevance scores high, you can maintain that focus; if technical issues are reported, you can address platform stability. Insights on networking opportunities can guide you in creating more interactive sessions. Overall, this feedback enables you to make data-driven decisions, tailoring future events to better meet the needs and expectations of your audience, thereby increasing engagement and satisfaction.

Examples of undefined questions

Here are examples of questions most commonly used in Virtual Event Feedback Form Template. When using our template, you can edit and adjust all the questions.

Overall, how would you rate the virtual event?

How likely are you to recommend this event to a friend or colleague?

Not likely at all
Extremely likely

What was the most valuable aspect of the event for you?

What did you enjoy the most about the event?

What aspects of the event do you think could be improved?

Did you experience any technical difficulties during the event?

Please provide any additional comments or suggestions for future events.

On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to attend our future virtual events?

Not likely
Extremely likely

If you have any photos or screenshots to share related to the event, please upload them here.

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  • 62%

    62% of our surveys are opened on mobile devices. Responsly forms are well optimized for phones and tablets.

  • 2x

    Responsly get 2x more answers than other popular tools on the market.

  • 98%

    Responsly service get an average satisfaction score of 98%

Customer Experience example

Customize template for your needs

  • Modify or add questions

    You can modify every question, delete or add more; there are 24 types of questions with options to select.

  • Add your branding

    Make it looks like it's your own. Add branding of your organization and modify the theme to match the graphic standards of your brand.

  • Connect with your apps

    Easily connect Responsly to apps that you’re using. Use ready integrations to move data from Responsly to your apps automatically.

100+ apps integrations

Connect tools that you are using, Responsly easily integrates with multiple apps.

  1. Google Sheets
  2. HubSpot
  3. Intercom
  4. Mailchimp
  5. Google Analytics
  6. Salesforce
  7. Zapier
Responsly Employee Experience platform helps us to manage employee satisfaction and communication within our organization.

Alicja Zborowska, Administration Specialist

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